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What is TDEE :-
TDEE is a contraction for All out Day to day Energy Use, which is the amount of the basal metabolic rate and the dynamic calorie for the afternoon, which is the absolute calorie utilization for the day.Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is how much energy expected to support life.
TDEE formula :-
Practically no activity (basal digestion × 1.2)
Light activity (basal digestion × 1.375)
Moderate activity (basal digestion × 1.55)
Fiery activity (basal digestion × 1.725)
Extremely extraordinary (basal digestion × 1.9)
Calculation formula for basal metabolism :-
The basal metabolic rate is determined utilizing the Harris-Benedict condition (further developed adaptation).
Male: 13.397 × weight kg + 4.799 × level cm - 5.677 × age + 88.362
Female: 9.247 × weight kg + 3.098 × level cm - 4.33 × age + 447.593